Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dunuhnuhnuhnuhnuh Part 1

I've noticed a lot of these posts have been super duper formal, especially for my writing. So for those people out there that are reading my blog for a reason other than this class (I'm talking to you Russia), I should explain. Most of my posts have been for this Convergence Journalism class I've been taking at Loyola University in Chicago for the past three weeks. I've met some amazing people and really really really got to fall in love with my hometown again. We've done a lot of really awesome things, but that's not what this post is about.

Seeing that this is a musical blog, I thought I'd share my own musical experience. Plus, Anna told me to post and there's really nothing else to do in this study lounge. So I hope this post is good... not great, but solid.


For two years, I was sure this man taught me guitar.
I started playing guitar when I was about six years old. Then, I wanted to play the electric guitar so badly, but the man I was taking the lessons from wouldn't let me until I learned classical first. I really wish I could remember his name, but unfortunately, I can't. What I do remember was that he looked a lot like Qui-Gon Jinn to my six year old mind. I also remember being really good. Like, I'm not a braggy person, but I think I was actually better then than I am now. But we'll get to that.

I stopped playing guitar when I turned eight because all my friends were playing sports and I thought I was missing out. I wasn't. At seventeen years old, I can say with confidence playing sports has led me no where. I just wasn't born a sportsperson. I can, however, completely BS my way through a sports conversation with a group of guys... or my dad. So I guess there was an upside to that.

So yeah, I stopped playing guitar for quite some time. And then, out of no where, I was hit with a billion and one reasons to pick it back up again. Here are the big three:
  1. I got a free electric guitar from a relative. It was used from Wal-Mart. And it was a rip-off Strat. But still, it was electric and that's all that mattered.
  2. I met this girl that said she really liked guys that played the guitar. It wasn't a huge reason, okay? It was just, like, icing on the cake.
  3. One of my friends, who's a prodigy on the guitar, was looking for people to form a band with. And I kinda wanted in on that.
I started playing again. Except, electric guitar is totally different from classical and I had no experience. "So I started taking lessons again."

That's what should've happened. But no, I was set on teaching myself. And that's part of the reason why it took me so long to become somewhat decent on a guitar. Also, number three on that list above never happened because the musical prodigy also happens to be a soccer prodigy. And soccer won that arguement.

After making to progress for what seemed like months, I was just about ready to call it quits again. But then I met good ole Mr. Conner Miles, who was the bassist in my band to come.

Oh wow, look at the time kids... isn't it past your bedtime (I'm talking to you, Russia)? But don't worry, I'll finish my story another time! So stay tuned!

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